Raspberry bush ‘Royalty’

Rubus idaeus 'Royalty'

Purple fruits in August; big single crop. Fresh consumption, frozen or for jams. Plant them 40 to 60 cm apart. Needs a rich and sandy soil. After the crop, cut down the fruit bearing branches because they won’t produce again. In fall, tie the stems together so they won’t get crushed by snow. In spring, add a fertilizer and some compost

Zone: 3
Hauteur: 1.5m
Largeur: 1.5m
Exposition: Sun
Période de floraison: Spring
Vitesse de croissance: Fast
Protection: No winter protection
Type de sol: Fresh, rich and light.
SKU: 525249 Category:

    Product Information

    Hardiness zone

    -Will the plant you buy this season come back next year? It all depends on where you live.
    To survive for several years, a plant must tolerate the lowest winter temperatures in the region where it is planted.

    It is therefore important to identify the hardiness zone of your region.
    An example ! You are in Montreal, in zone 5 (according to the charter of Natural Resources Canada)

    • any plant in zones 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1 will return year after year to your area, it is said to be hardy.
    • a plant in zone 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 will be considered an annual and must be replanted each year.