Product Information

In order to minimize the occurrence of the dreaded black spot or rose powdery mildew, it is preferable to maintain adequate spacing between the plants and also between the rose stems. The development of fungi that cause these diseases is favored by stagnant air.

If, however, you see the appearance of black spots on the leaves of your plants, or if you see the beginning of a powdery mildew infection (powdery mildew, which is recognized by its white and powdery appearance), remove the infected leaves as soon as possible. . In order to properly control the infection, now is the time to apply Bioprotec rose fungicide. This fungicide is certified for organic farming and can be applied preventively as soon as conditions favorable to the development of one or other of these diseases appear. If you prefer a curative treatment, you can repeat the application every week, depending on the pressure of the disease.