Viburnum × carlcephalum

Great little tree with a round, irregular shape. Its pointed, lustrous leaves are bluish green in season, turning reddish purple in fall. Splendid little flowers appear late April, bunched in small round balls; buds are pinkish and open into white-pink blooms. Although blooms are scarse, they are heavily scented. They are then followed by bunched fruits ranging from red to black.

Zone: 5
Hauteur: 2m
Largeur: 2m
Exposition: Sun - Part Shade
Période de floraison: April-may
Vitesse de croissance: Slow
Protection: Protection requise
Type de sol: Grows in regular, fresh but well drained soils.
Garantie: 3 years limited warranty
SKU: 552116 Categories: ,

    Product Information


    Hardiness zone

    -Will the plant you buy this season come back next year? It all depends on where you live.
    To survive for several years, a plant must tolerate the lowest winter temperatures in the region where it is planted.

    It is therefore important to identify the hardiness zone of your region.
    An example ! You are in Montreal, in zone 5 (according to the charter of Natural Resources Canada)

    • any plant in zones 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1 will return year after year to your area, it is said to be hardy.
    • a plant in zone 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 will be considered an annual and must be replanted each year.