Grape vine ‘Concord’
Vitis labrusca 'Concord'
Dark blue grape for fresh consumption, juice and jelly. Plant in an area protected from the winds. Prune in November or after the hatching of the buds (when the leaves are well formed). In order to produce grapes, keep 4 buds per new stem. For ornamental use; control pruning only.

Hardiness zone
-Will the plant you buy this season come back next year? It all depends on where you live.
To survive for several years, a plant must tolerate the lowest winter temperatures in the region where it is planted.
It is therefore important to identify the hardiness zone of your region.
An example ! You are in Montreal, in zone 5 (according to the charter of Natural Resources Canada)
• any plant in zones 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1 will return year after year to your area, it is said to be hardy.
• a plant in zone 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 will be considered an annual and must be replanted each year.