Shop with peace of mind

You have 10 days to return a product in its original packaging. Invoice and complete personal info are required to process your return.

You can choose between a refund or a credit note. Any amount over $250 is subject to administration approval.

No return possible on : sod, bare root plants, special orders, discounted items.

We reserve the right to charge a restocking fee.


For all trees, shrubs, conifers, roses, fruit trees and climbers, the warranty period is listed on the purchase invoice, under the name of each product purchased:

  • 1 year warranty from the date of purchase OR
  • Guarantee November of the year of purchase

No guarantee on: perennials, annuals, tropicals, bonsai, aquatics, vegetables, peat moss, bare root cedars, bulbs, all plants grown in containers or in above-ground boxes (not in the ground).